University of Galway Societies Societies Writers' Soc
Writers' Soc
We write, we talk, we discuss, we help, we critique, we publish, we have fun with writing!
Committee Members
OCM:Quinlivan Michael
Auditor:Catherine Long
PRO:Liam Caffrey
Vice Auditor:Cillian Gilroy
Treasurer:Oshoriame Erhagbe
Publisher:Beatriz de Paula Ribeiro Langowiski
Secretary:Leanna Mc Evoy
1st Year OCM:Rowan Beddows
Vice Secretary:Noi Vidal Castillo
Vice Treasurer:Xuewei Wang
2nd year OCM:Aleks Kolodziej
International Officer:Lauren Whitmore
Health & Safety Officer:Matthew Carty
3rd Year OCM:Luca Loureiro
January 24th
Today . Friday

Writers' Soc

We write, we talk, we discuss, we help, we critique, we publish, we have fun with writing!

eb160de1de89d9058fcb0b968dbbbd68_1601315111.jpgWriters' Soc, a safe enviroment for Writers to come and meet new people, show their work and build their skills. Whether you are a poet, playwright, novelist, songwriter or just a listener, you are always welcome to our come along to our weekly meetings and get involved!

Feel free to share your work, listen to the works of fellow writers, play some fun writing games, and of course help yourself to tea and biscuits.

We also do several other events including writing workshops, writing competitions and we also publish the work of our members in a publication that is then distributed around campus (all going well this year with Covid regulations that is).


We were also the winners of the 2012/2013 Phoenix Award at the Society Awards and we also won the award for 2014/2015. We competed in Unislam 2019. Those interested in radio play writing will find themselves at home among us.


Like us on Facebook:

And have a look at our past publications online:

See our society constitution here.


Hey, we're currently online with the corona virus doing the rounds. Generally Thursday evenings 7pm-9pm.  Stay safe!

Contact Us

Keep up to date with our events and find the link for our Thursday meetings on the Yourspace calendar, Facebook or Instagram!