University of Galway Societies Societies Marine Soc
Marine Soc
Do you like the beautiful ocean and all its mysteries? Then our society will suit you! Hope to sea you there ;)
Committee Members
OCM:Jane Sheehy
Auditor:Ciara Whelan
Vice Auditor:Antonin Stefka
Treasurer:Michael White
Events Manager:Kate Coyne
Health and Safety Officer:Aisling Oconnor
Secretary:Elena Huguet
Head PRO:Aoife Mehigan
OCM:Cameron Owen
1st Year Rep:Elisabeth Ferguson
Mascot:Jack Fairley
OCM:Emma O'Keeffe
Vice PRO:Charlotte Gray
OCM:Katie Condon
OCM:Kaylin Kelly
Vice Secretary:Kate Hogan
February 16th
Today . Sunday

Marine Soc

Do you like the beautiful ocean and all its mysteries? Then our society will suit you! Hope to sea you there ;)

The Marine Society's aims are to promote the awareness of marine issues in the University and in the surrounding
Galway area by uniting people with similar interests and goals.

Marine Society advance the knowledge of zoological, botanical and environmental matters in fun,
inspirational, active ways, that will allow everyone to understand our impact on our oceans.

Through trips, national and international, seminar series, and high impact documentaries, marine society creates a greater appreciation
and understanding of marine matters in the college and local area.

See our society constitution here.


Meetings are usually held Tuesday evenings at 7pm in MRA201. Changes to this normal schedule will be distributed through email, Instagram, and Whatsapp!

Contact Us


Instagram: ugmarinesociety