University of Galway Societies Societies Dramsoc
University of Galway Dramsoc is a 120 year old society focused on creating a platform for our members to make theatre and meet new people. Whether you are a budding playwright, a newbie actor, or a keen audience member, we welcome everyone! UG Socs Awards Best Society (Cultural/Social/Academic) &
Committee Members
Head Technician:Rebecca Walsh
Auditor:Orlaith Nic Cába
Inclusivity/Outreach Officer:Arianna Belluardo
New Members Rep:Amelie Clonan
Head of Sets:Thalia Kelly
Theatre Week Coordinator:Sean Gannon
Venue Technician:Caoimhe O'Keeffe
Treasurer:Honor Faughnan
Head of Costumes & Makeup:Nessa O'Connor
Public Relations Assistant:Wiktor Widera
Events Officer:Ray Spiller
ISDA Rep:Carl Jones
Productions Officer:Nicola Thornton
Secretary:Evelyn Sheahan
1st Year OCM:Kornelia Zach
Head of Photography & Digital Archiving:Paul O'Mahony
Ordinary Committee Member:Lucas Imolesi
Ordinary Committee Member:Sanni Sipola
Vice Auditor:Katharina Warnecke Soto
Public Relations Officer (PRO):Hannah Brosnan
March 28th
Today . Friday


University of Galway Dramsoc is a 120 year old society focused on creating a platform for our members to make theatre and meet new people. Whether you are a budding playwright, a newbie actor, or a keen audience member, we welcome everyone! UG Socs Awards Best Society (Cultural/Social/Academic) & BICS Awards Best Cultural, Academic & Social Society 2023/24.

Dramsoc has worked tirelessly for well over a century to provide entertainment and artistic outlets to the students of the University of Galway and the wider Galway community, striving to bring together students who have any level of interest in theatre - whether that is acting, directing, stage managing, costuming, dramaturgy, props, set building, front of house, or simply just watching our many entertaining shows. We want to give our members the chance to get to get involved as much as possible by running two events a week, multiple one-acts, bootcamps, specialty weeks, and putting on 4 main slot shows every semester.

There are many opportunities in our colourful society, mainly to cut your teeth in the world of theatre and make like minded friends - but there are also many opportunities through our workshops, auditions, and our contacts with other societies such as GUMs, Film Soc, and ESN; as well our contacts outside the college with external professional theatre companies and directors.

Dramsoc has added greatly to the cultural life of the university by providing a place for students, lecturers and many others to get involved in the ancient and ever-evolving theatre. We facilitate many different kinds of performances in a variety of theatre spaces for a very modest price and seek to educate and entertain not only our audience but our many members. Our society also provides the opportunity for writers and choreographers to present their original work.

Each year Dramsoc takes part in the Irish Society Drama Awards (ISDA) Festival, an inter-university event where various drama societies from universities across Ireland come together to showcase the best work of their seasons, culminating in an awards show, all complimented by Dramsoc's own internal awards show The Drammies.

Our society has worked tirelessly to provide entertainment and artistic outlets to the students of the University of Galway and the wider Galway community for over a century.


Contact Us

c/o Socs Box
Áras na Mac Léinn,
University of Galway,
Co. Galway