University of Galway Societies Sláinte Soc. Gallery


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Best Photo Entry: Teddy Bear Hospital

This photograph was taken at the 12th Annual Teddy Bear Hospital, organised by Sláinte Society. The event takes place over two days in the Bailey Allen Hall and aims to reduce the fears associated with healthcare for young children, by immersing them in a relaxed but medically orientated environment, but with Teddy as the patient! We also provide a environment with plenty of laughs, smiles and fun and each child will get to go on the Bouncy Castles, see jugglers and get facepainted by our volunteers! Pictured is Liezel Ravenscroft, committee member of NUIG Sláinte Society.
Photographer Eibhlín Seoighthe
Posted by Sláinte Soc. on Thu, 16-03-2017

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