Societies helpdesk
Mon-Tues: 10:00-20:00, Fri: 10:00-17:00
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The Socs Box - 07.16.24
Job Opportunities for student in the SocsBox
The Socs Box - 05.07.24
USCG Student Reps Election Open
The Socs Box - 07.16.24
How to be a Super Soc 2024/25
The Socs Box - 05.07.24
Booking the Bailey Allen Hall 2024/25
July 27th
Today . Saturday
How to join
login to yourspace and click join societies. Select the society you want to join from the dropdown menu and click join now. join
Alive Cert for society volunteering
Get your volunteering Certificate from the University President through the ALIVE programme
Society End of Year Reports
For a full view of Society Activities check out our end of year report archives
Want to create a new Society?
All the info you need to create a new Society.

Other Resources
Lots more information and resources to help you and your Society.

Society Training Handbooks
Groovy Tuesday 2023
A look at the Groovy Tuesday event held in 2023
Society Training
Society training Spring 2021
Find out about the University of Galway Extra-curricular portal