University of Galway Societies Societies USCG
If you have any questions email and mark the subject For the Attention of your society's Student Rep.
Committee Members
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March 12th
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If you have any questions email and mark the subject For the Attention of your society's Student Rep.
NUI, Galway, University Societies Coordinating Group (USCG) - Terms of Reference

A. The aim of the NUI Galway University, University Societies Coordinating Group will be:

To assist the Societies of the University in fulfilling their aims and, in doing so, to develop and facilitate social and community life in the University

To consider applications and make recommendations on the recognition of new University Societies.

To regulate the continuing recognition of Societies.

To agree allocation of funds made available for Societies at NUI, Galway.

To develop and recommend policy in relation to Society activity and the provision and use of facilities for activity to the Vice President for the Student Experience.

To promote the interests of Societies and to act as their representatives within the University.

How the elections take place:

Candidates return their signed form to the Societies Office in Ãras na Mac Léinn by Tuesday, 9th April. The updated form is available here:


Outgoing Reps for 2018/2019: 

Artistic & Performance: Felipé Loughran Ponce
Social and Cultural: Ruth Sweeney
Academic: Owen Higgins
Special Interest: Chris Kelly 
Lifestyle and Wellbeing: Kate Wylie 
Social Action and Political:  Hayley Little
Religious and Volunteering: Paige Donnelly 

USCG Student Representative Election Procedure 
- Any society member is eligible for election. 
- The rep must be nominated by three auditors of the academic year 2018/2019 within their constituency. In the event of more than one candidate in any constituency an election will be held. 
- One vote per Society. Auditors may vote. In the absence of an auditor a vice auditor may vote. Proxy voting forms will be available in the SocsBox for collection by the Auditor or Vice Auditor, which will need to be signed and submitted to the SocsBox by 4pm on the evening of the election. 
- Candidates will be elected by proportional representation. 
- Voters may number all the candidates in order of preference but are encouraged to indicate at least first, second and third preferences. 
USC reps may attend the Auditors forum but may not vote unless he/she/they is/are an Auditor. 
- The returning officer shall be the Societies Officer 

For details on the USCG go here.

If you notice your society is missing contact the socsbox. 


Academic Societies 

Archaeology, Astronomy, Bio-Med, Botany, Business, Business Analytics, Chemistry, Classics, Cumann Staire, Emergency Medicine, Energy, Engineering, Finance, French, G-eos, German, Health Care Society, Italian, Journalism, Law, Marine, Maths, Medicine, Microbiology, Neuro, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Paediatric, Philosophy, Physics, Psychiatry, Psychological, Spanish, Speech & Language, Surgical, Zoological.


Artistic and Performing Societies 
Art, Choral,- Circus, Comedy, Cumann Dramaiochta, Dansoc, DJ, Dramsoc, Film, Music, Musical (GUMS), Orchestra, Photography, Radio, Rock, Trad Soc, Writers.


Lifestyle and Wellbeing 
Baking, Bike Gang, Cheerleading, Environmental Society, Healthy Hearts, Lotus, Niteline, Organic Gardening, Rover, Sewing Soc, Sláinte, Strength Soc, Style, Veg Soc.


Social and Cultura
African Caribbean, Chinese, Cumann Gaelach, GIG (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender +), IMPACTE, India Society, International Student Society, Literary and Debating, Malaysian Society, Mature Students, Mincéirs Whiden, Pakistani Society, Russian, Saudi Soc.


Social Action and Political Societies 
Amnesty, AMSI, Choice, Cumann de Barra (Fianna Fail), Entrepreneurship, Fáilte Refugees, Feminist, Labour Party, Life, Sinn Féin, Social Democrats, Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP), Young Fine Gael.

Special Interest Societies 
American Football, Anime & Manga, Chess, Computer, Drone Soc, Fantasy & Science Fiction, Irish Sign Language, Karting, Poker, Quiz Soc, Time Lord, Video Game

Volunteering and Religious Societies  

Anaphora Orthodox Christian Fellowship, Best Buddies, Cancer Society, Cath Society, Dochas Christian Society, Draíocht, Enactus, FLAC, Friends of MSF, Islamic Society, PENSA, St Vincent de Paul, Voluntary Services Abroad.


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