University of Galway Societies Societies Slug Society
Slug Society
Here to spread the joy of fidget toy slugs! Bring your slug to our sluggy daycare or adopt your own at our slug adoption day!
Committee Members
Auditor:Jasmine Kelly
July 27th
Today . Saturday

Slug Society

Here to spread the joy of fidget toy slugs! Bring your slug to our sluggy daycare or adopt your own at our slug adoption day!

This is a society all about the wonder of fidget slugs.

We do a variety of events such as:

  • Slug Adoption Days!
  • Sluggy Hang outs 
  • And more!

Slug adoption day is our main event of each semester. We give out free slugs with birth cetifcates and little hats!


  • Adoption Day
  • Nature Walks
  • Sluggy Hang out 
  • Movie Nights 
  • Pot Lucks
  • Craft Events 

Contact Us

Our email:

Our Instagram: @slugsoc-ug