University of Galway Societies Societies Seas Suas
Seas Suas
Student to Student awareness and encouragement programme. Encouraging students to be aware of each other's health and wellbeing through events and training.
Committee Members
Contact:Ben Hughes
March 7th
Today . Friday

Seas Suas

Student to Student awareness and encouragement programme. Encouraging students to be aware of each other's health and wellbeing through events and training.

The Seas Suas Programme was developed by the Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care Service in the University of Galway in 2014. In partnership with the Students' Union, Seas Suas began as a proactive response to a number of student tragedies. Seas Suas aims to promote awareness, empathy, well-being and bystander intervention, both on campus and in the wider community. With contributions from community organisations, Seas Suas covers a wide range of important topics such as: mental health, alcohol and drugs, sexual violence, suicide prevention, peer-to-peer support and relevant supports services.

Some of the community organisations that have contributed include: HSE Suicide Prevention; The Samaritans; Mental Health Ireland; Jigsaw Galway; Western Region Drug & Alcohol Task Force; Cyberbullying Prevention; Active Consent; Galway Rape Crisis Centre; Domestic Violence Galway; An Gardaí Siochána; Claddagh Watch Patrol.

Seas Suas successfully trains 500 students per year. With 250 on the 4-week October Programme, and 250 on the 4-week February Programme. The programme is open to all registered students. Participants are expected to attend each evening, with free hot food will be provided each night. Certificate is given upon completion and registration is essential

Link to Register:

Contact Us

Office: Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care, 6 Distillery Road, University of Galway