University of Galway Societies Societies Postgrad Research Society
Postgrad Research Society
A social society. We provide a space for postgrads to hang out outside of academia. Think coffee mornings, board games, theatre trips, quiz nights....
Committee Members
Auditor:Daniel McGonigle
Vice Auditor:Parand Shokrani
Secretary:Buddila Wijeyesekera
Health & Safety Officer:Paola Sofia Serrano Bravo
Ordinary Committee Member:Md. Raisul Islam Sourav
Treasurer:Prashamsa Thandra
Ordinary Committee Member:Ayomide Janet Ayeni
Ordinary Committee Member:Saurabveer Singh
Events Officer:Tim Hensen
March 28th
Today . Friday

Postgrad Research Society

A social society. We provide a space for postgrads to hang out outside of academia. Think coffee mornings, board games, theatre trips, quiz nights....

Postgraduate study can be really fulfilling, but it can also be isolating. It's important to get away from the desk and find like-minded people. This society runs regular events which bring together postgraduate students from all the colleges in the university. We promote a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Our events are non-academic, and you DON'T have to talk about your research (unless you want to!). 

We've held board games nights, dinner events, coffee/hot chocolate mornings and lunchbreaks. We try to hold a few events a month, and we announce these via our mailing list and on our social media pages. We always welcome ideas for events, so do get in touch if you have any.

We also communicate news about events and services on campus relevant to postgrad students. If you know of any such events, give us a shout.

All disciplines and schools welcome. 


Contact Us or DM us on Instagram @unigalway_pgsoc