University of Galway Societies Societies People Before Profit
People Before Profit
People Before Profit UG aim to mobilise students and get young people involved in people powered socialist movements in the fight against capitalism.
Committee Members
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July 27th
Today . Saturday

People Before Profit

People Before Profit UG aim to mobilise students and get young people involved in people powered socialist movements in the fight against capitalism.

A World To Win

We live in an increasingly unstable world. One where inequality grows, environmental catastrophe looms, and vast wealth is concentrated into fewer and fewer hands.

Something is very wrong. But beneath the surface something rumbles too. Establishment politics across the globe is in crisis. New forms of resistance are emerging and radical left-wing politics is back on the agenda. From the cracks of despair a vision for a different kind of society is emerging.

People Before Profit is at the heart of this struggle. We believe that society does not have to be ordered around the gods of private profit and ‘market forces’. We believe that austerity is a choice, not a necessity. We believe that an ecologically sustainable future can be built, and the environment protected. We fight against all oppression and discrimination.

People Before Profit is about doing politics differently: building a consensus for change through grassroots mobilisations, people power and socialist politics. We are one of the fastest growing parties in Ireland: with TDs in the Dáil, MLAs in Stormont, and branches across Ireland.

People Before Profit

Rebel News

Click to join People Before Profit!

What do we do?

People Before Profit represents a different kind of politics.

We host regular meetings where our members discuss a range of radical ideas and develop left-wing political perspectives.

People Before Profit is an activist party, we see real power in mass movements and grassroots campaigning. ‘People Power’ has proven to be the key to fighting the current system and implementing our progressive vision for our society.

Join us to participate in the building of a social movement to combat this rotten system and continue the fight for a better world.



Societies Fair

Come visit the People Before Profit Committee at Socs Fair to enquire about joining People Before Profit!

All new members will receive a welcome pack!



First meeting of the year (EGM) to be held on week following Socs Fair.

Events will be added to the calendar in due course...

Contact Us

People Before Profit, NUI Galway
c/o The Socs Box
Aras na Mac Leinn 
NUI Galway





Click here to send us an email!