University of Galway Societies Societies Cumann Staire (History)
Cumann Staire (History)
Cumann Staire is one of Europe's oldest and most prestigious History Societies. We organise a vast array of events and trips, both academic and social.
Committee Members
OCM:Vanessa Frimpong
Health and Safety Officer:Cian Kenevey
Auditor:Jacob Gillespie Conneely
Treasurer:Eoin O'Mahony
Vice Auditor:Ella Murphy
2nd Year Rep:Megan Henson
Public Relations Officer:Elijah Burke
Ordinary Committee Member:Cirdan Hughes
Secretary:Shawn Straus
Co-Arts Ball Officer:Hugh Gately
July 27th
Today . Saturday

Cumann Staire (History)

Cumann Staire is one of Europe's oldest and most prestigious History Societies. We organise a vast array of events and trips, both academic and social.

An Cumann Staire is a student history society in the University of Galway. The society is one of the oldest and most prestigious in the university, having been founded in 1951. An Cumann Staire is affiliated with the Irish History Students' Association and the International Students of History Association.

A number of activities are ran by the society, both social and academic. We host lectures given by guest speakers, table quizzes, social nights out, film showings and conference organisation and attendance. We also normally organise a national and international trip each year for our members. In previous years we have explored the histories of Tallinn, Italy, Portugal, Turkey and Scotland amongst others .

The University of Galway Arts Ball is also ran by the society each year which is a highlight of the Galway student calendar and has been the largest society ball in Ireland with a record 1,700 students in attendance in 2011.

An Cumann Staire is one of the oldest and most active societies in the university. We have plans to make this our biggest and most successful year in our history. Make sure to be a part of it!

You can sign up or renew your membership (which is completely free) via YourSpace.


Society events are usually held on Weekdays.

Weekly emails will be sent to all members with exact details upon signing up.

See our Instagram and Twitter for more details.

Contact Us

Cumann Staire,
Societies Office,
University of Galway,