University of Galway Societies Products Product

Fancy a break from the miserable Irish weather Fashion Soc has you covered with a 3 day trip up for grabs !! 16 tickets are available for our fun-in-the-sun adventure. Jan 29th - Feb 1st 2025

Ticket prices include:

Return flights, stay at hostel, and Barcelona travel pass.

We have a long list of recommended activities and if you follow our organised itinerary you may find inspiration for the new year.


-The society trip does not deal with visas or out of date passports

-All ticket holders must have a valid Young Adult or student Leap card /Free transport card

-All ticket holders must be strictly 18+

-All ticket holders must first be a member of the society and a current University og Galway Student

All ticket holders must comply with the society trip rules and regulations

Members’ Rules for Society Trips

  • Note: If you are in breach of any of the rules, you may be subject to university disciplinary action or banned from future Society trips.

  • Note: If you present a danger to yourself or another member or multiple members on the trip you may also be asked to return to NUI Galway immediately, and you may be liable for any costs incurred.

  • Everyone who signs up for the trip must be a current student of NUI Galway for the duration of the trip.

  • You must have a passport for all trips outside of Ireland.

Members are required to obey the following rules . 

Members must:

Be aware of the hazards involved

• Must not jeopardise your own health & safety or that of others.

• Must follow instructions given by trip leaders and officers.

• Must attend any training provided.

• Must inform officers or trip leaders of any medical condition that may affect your ability to participate, or affect emergency first aid treatment.

• You are responsible for making an informed decision as to whether it is a suitable activity for you.

• If consuming alcohol, you must drink responsibly and in a manner which will not endanger your own safety and health and that of others.

• You must never participate in potentially hazardous physical activities while under the influence of alcohol.

• Inform yourself of, and respect, local customs and laws

• Must stay in groups of no less than 3.

• Ensure in the event of receiving medical treatment that you are 100% satisfied that you have received all the medical treatment you require before being discharged.

• Note you are covered by University Insurance for the duration of the trip, any travel outside of the trip you will need your own travel insurance.

• If driving, you will do so in a safe and responsible manner.

• Members must implement the buddy system and make sure the other 3 appointed are present and safe and ready to get on the bus.

• Must not leave the venue during the evening.

• Must be ready for the bus at the appointed time.

• You must inform the trip leader if you don’t intend to return on the bus.

• No drinking on the bus.

• Must wear any protective gear provided.

• If staying in accommodation make sure your bedroom door is securely locked at all times to ensure your safety.

Travel Insurance

This is only relevant for trips outside Ireland.

trips that are organised by societies for students and staff are covered by the university insurance

University of Galway travel Info

NUIG Travel insurance info and support while on your trip, have the info before you go. (download this travel pack and bring it your trip in case you need assistance)

AIG Virtual Care Programme

Policy number required when setting up account in app HGT63867

AIG Travel Assistance Guide

Insurance Policy

Policy wording

Insurance cover

Everyone traveling must have the EHIC Card.

Available Options

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