With over 100 Societies in University of Galway you are sure to find one for you.
Secretaries report How to complete your secretaries report video here, note it refers to zoom meetings for your AGM, of course you are more likely to be holding in person AGM. Also we have your constitution in your dashboard now, so you can just update it there if you have made changes. NB Steps: Make sure you have all of your events on your calendar Complete the leadership section for your society as the general questions are included Put your new committee in the secretaries report do not remove this years people from the committee section, the committee rolls over on July 1st (if you have not elected people add summer contacts so someone has access to the dashboard. Hand over passwords for all of your social media, maks sure you have changed form NUIG to University of Galway. We will be updating society emails over the summer to universityofgalway and issuing new passwords to the new auditor or summer contact so keep an eye on your student emails. Treasurers report Your treasurer also needs to input all expenditure and upload receipts and all income, and make sure your accounts balance. check out more info here The deadline to complete your secretaries and treasurers report is May 11th, it is mandatory to complete these reports to maintain society recognition.
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